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How It Works
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Start creating for free, or select one of the plans below to unlock additional features.
The basics, free forever!
Up to 25 custom links
Add 25 links (or sections) to your page including your social media, website, and more
Contact buttons
Optionally add buttons for email, call, text, or Discord on your page
Page themes
Adjust your page from light to dark to void based on your preference
Section dividers
Organize your page by adding dividers between your links
Background color
Match your style with a customizable background color
Unique link
Choose your own custom link URL to share everywhere
Custom profile picture
Use your own custom profile picture for your page
Basic analytics (1 week)
See your daily page views for the past week (7 days)
Responsive page design
Create a stunning page that looks great across any device
Two-factor authentication
Secure your account by using an authenticator for login
Start for Free
paid annually
Annual only
Everything in Beginner Plan +
Up to 50 custom links
Add 50 links (or sections) to your page including your social media, website, and more
Social buttons
Add a social button bar to your page for the most popular platforms separate from your links
Section titles
Organize your page by adding titles between your links
Highlighted links
Make your most important links stand out
Custom invite link
Refer your friends to using a vanity invite link instead of a randomly generated one
Background image
Change your page's background image to match your personal taste
Customize link subtitles
Display subtitles on links as the URL or choose something completely custom (e.g. @username)
Animated profile picture
Use an animated GIF for your profile picture to make your page unique
Basic analytics (1 month)
See your daily page views for the past month (30 days)
Start with Personal
Save 16%
Most Popular
paid annually
Everything in Personal Plan +
Includes 2 pages
Manage up to 2 separate pages from the same account, with a unique link for each page
Embeds (videos, music, etc.)
Enhance your page by embedding rich media from other platforms (see the full supported list on the Extensions page)
Customize link thumbnails
Set custom images for each link icon to show instead of the default preset thumbnail
Up to 100 links & embeds
Add 100 links or embeds to each page including your social media, website, videos, and more
Action social buttons
Add call to action (follow, subscribe, and more) social buttons from some of the most popular platforms on your page
Enhanced link SEO
Custom links added to your page can receive a boost in search engine rankings
Background video
Captivate visitors to your page with a custom background video
Scheduled links
Schedule links to be displayed or hidden at certain times on page loads
Page cloning
Instantly create a duplicate page with the same elements using a different username
Advanced analytics (6 months)
See your daily page views and link clicks for the past 6 months (180 days)
Start with Entrepreneur
Save 33%
paid annually
Everything in Entrepreneur Plan +
Includes 5 pages
Manage 5 or more separate pages from the same account, with a unique link for each page (Add-on Pages available)
Contact capture
Visitors can subscribe to your email list directly from your page via integrations with Mailchimp, Make, or Zapier
Priority support
Receive the fastest response times with in-depth and personalized assistance for any questions that may arise
Link searching
Allow visitors to quickly search your links to find what they are looking for
Custom favicon
Adjust the browser icon for your page to match your brand logo or image
Custom domains
Connect custom domains to your pages to load them from your own URLs
Social pixel tracking
Add your Meta or TikTok Pixel to see analytics and retarget visitors based on page views and link clicks
Collaborator access
Invite an additional person to edit and view analytics for each of your pages
Optional branding
White label your page by hiding the footer
Advanced analytics (12 months)
See your daily page views and link clicks for the past 12 months (365 days)
Start with Professional